Mock eleven plus Tests We will be holding 11+ mock tests this term on Wednesday 8th of June and on Monday 4th of July.… Continue reading “Mock eleven plus Tests”…
New BetterLearning term New term for BetterLearning starting on 28th of April all other dates on our academic calendar on the homepage. Online… Continue reading “New BetterLearning term”…
Happy Holidays! Happy Easter to all the BetterLearners! Enjoy the break! Continue reading “Happy Holidays!”…
Mock Tests We are now taking bookings for our mock tests. We will be announcing some additional dates before summer break as… Continue reading “Mock Tests”…
Academic Calendar We have now uploaded our Academic Calendar for the coming year. Included are dates for BetterLearning tutoring sessions as well… Continue reading “Academic Calendar”…
BetterLearning 2011 times Our tutoring sessions for Year 5 children will now take place on Thursday afternoon at 4:30. Our next session is… Continue reading “BetterLearning 2011 times”…
BetterLearning advertisement Look out for the BetterLearning advert in the latest issue of the Leigh Times. Ben and Tony Continue reading “BetterLearning advertisement”…
Final Mock Test Thanks and well done to all the BetterLearners that attended the mock test on Thursday 4th of November. Our final… Continue reading “Final Mock Test”…