Mock 11+ Tests Hi guys, we are holding two mock 11+ tests next week on on Thursday 15th of March in Leigh on… Continue reading “Mock 11+ Tests”…
Mock 11+ test this Thursday Our first mock test will be on Thursday 23rd this week. There are still plenty of places available so please… Continue reading “Mock 11+ test this Thursday”…
Be our friend! BetterLearning now has a facebook page which will be updated with relevant information about what we are doing. We will… Continue reading “Be our friend!”…
Happy New Year! We trust you all had a good christmas and new year and are looking forward to the year ahead. We… Continue reading “Happy New Year!”…
11+ Mock Tests We have a busy couple of days coming up at BetterLearning. We will be holding our eleventh mock test on… Continue reading “11+ Mock Tests”…
Mock Tests and Tutoring Sessions We have a mock test this Thursday 15th of September at Leigh North Street. All mock test dates can be… Continue reading “Mock Tests and Tutoring Sessions”…
Mock Tests and Tutoring session times Our BetterLearning sessions are now being held on Monday afternoons at Leigh North Street Junior School, the sessions will start… Continue reading “Mock Tests and Tutoring session times”…
West Bergholt Mock 11+ Test We will be holding a 11+ mock test this term on Tuesday 19th of July. Our mock test format is… Continue reading “West Bergholt Mock 11+ Test”…
Thank you! Thank you very much to all the BetterLearners that attended our 8th of June mock test, we hope you enjoyed… Continue reading “Thank you!”…
Mock 11+ Test Last few spaces are still available for our mock 11+ test on Wednesday the 8th of June so please reserve… Continue reading “Mock 11+ Test”…